Thursday, February 19, 2009

Google as a source of inspiration

I think I might have some yarn in that colorway in my stash...

And it's all Shetland weight, too...
To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Hello again, Blue Gal.

    Well, I hope you keep posting at this blog. I am a knitter, but only in fits. Right now I'm working on a cashmere scarf from recycled yarn- great thrift store hereabouts where one can buy cashmere sweaters, cast-offs just because they have tiny moth holes, for about $4 per. It would be deeply embarrassing to confess exactly how many I've bought to unravel. I'm a big fan of recycling yarn (but not all are, and I understand that). And, my yarn stash far exceeds my.. hmmm... well, knitting speed.
